If you are a traditional woman who is married, chances are you will be spending a lot of your time at home. The trouble is, you also need to look nice from time to time. Looking feminine can help you feel good, and wearing old clothes isn't attractive, and isn't a way to make you feel good about yourself. Let us take a look at how you can look more feminine in the house with the clever use of surroundings, feminine colors, feminine materials, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and styles.
Since husbands can be visual creatures, and we spend some of our happiest times at home with them, it is wise to have some feminine outfits that are specially designed to make you feel good and look attractive, too.
You need to pick clothes that will make you shine, both in and outside the house. In order to look good however, you have to be able to step out of your shell. Be confident with yourself and your clothes, and don't be afraid to look nice simply because you want to.
As busy mothers or housewives, we often forget to take our appearance into consideration, and just wear something that gets us through the day. Many times our children or other friends might say to get with the program, or that you need to wear more trendy clothes. They're right, you need to get the fear out of your mind that girly clothes might not be for you, or that the mother with two kids just shouldn't be wearing something cute, or sexy. You have the right to show your femininity as well, and as long as you find clothes suited toward your personality or that don't make you look trashy, it's okay to wear it proudly.
Using your home surroundings You can be feminine by making sure your surroundings in your house are pretty as well as your outfits. If you buy nice and bright colored outfits, do the same for your decor. The last thing you want to do is make the house look nice while you don't, or vice versa.
Choosing good colors Generally speaking, brighter colors are more girly and not to mention energetic. If you are walking around the store in a nice baby blue dress, holding your little one, feel free to wear some nice jewelry or some pretty little shoes. Don't be afraid to express your inner creativity as well if you have it.
My wife dresses frumpy and my attraction towards her is becoming thin? When my wife and I first met, she would always or mostly wear nice clothing. Of course she didn't have to wear nice clothing all the time...a simple jean and tee were fine with me. Now several years into our marriage, she's no longer interested in shaving her legs/armpits, getting hair/nails done and her clothes are either way too big or just comfortable. She has plenty of new clothes that I've given or she's received...some still in the boxes. I am willing to pay any amount to have her hit the salon at least 1 every 3 months, but she doesn't want to go. We're in a loving relationship and I guess in the grand scheme of things thats all that matters, but I'm so used to women I've dated in the past taking care of themselves..even basic care that I've slowly become less attracted to her.
"Do you do anything together that she would want to dress up for? When was the last time you went on a date like you used to? Dancing, dinner, a show, whatever. If you don't do anything special, why dress up?"
"Dressing up is a must for me, looking good, having my hair done, I love to shop so I am always looking good and so does my husband, he tells me all the time that I gotta catch up with you, you look so good and I look like crap compared to you. I feel husbands feel like they want to kinda show off their wives some time, which is not a bad thing so I dress to impress."
Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100507101201AAnzP9Z
How do you keep from being the frumpy housewife? "I have gotten myself out of the frumpy housewife look and allow myself to get up and showered before the kids get up. I used to never wear makeup but i have started to lately and getting my hair done makes me feel pretty. I get dressed in comfy wear in public clothes, like a babydoll black dress and leggings or jeans and a nice sweater. it just makes me feel like more than just a stay at home mom. Usually it's the only thing i do for myself!"
"its not hard to keep from being frumpy. But ther is nothing wrong with having a frump day. as long as you make the effort to fix yourself up before partner gets home or before guests arrive. its a self respect thing to me."
"I personally despise seeing women in yoga pants/track pants unless they're in the gym...it just kinda looks like they've given up. I dress decently, but not fancy in jeans, heels if I'm out, make effort to shower, throw a little makeup on and have a tidy 'do even if it's in a ponytail. It easy to throw on comfy clothes, but when you look in the mirror you should be proud of your appearance. If track pants make you proud, then so be it!"
Source: http://www.circleofmoms.com/stay-at-home-moms/how-do-you-keep-from-being-the-frumpy-housewife-623330
All in all, you can look nice and feminine around the house wearing just about anything from dresses to long sleeve shirts and khakis. You just need to be able to know what is attractive for you and your personality. You are a stay at home wife, but you don't need to keep your beauty at home.