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Why Sharing Your Clothes Is Not A Good Idea

A Few Pros and Cons of Sharing Your Wardrobe

Most people at one time or another has loaned a sibling, friend or a roommate an article of clothing from their wardrobe. In some cases, siblings or roommates have even decided to share their clothes in order to increase the size of their individual wardrobe and give each person more options for dressing for different occasions. While loaning an article or clothing from time to time to someone you trust is a nice thing to do sharing your clothing on a regular basis is not a good idea for the following reasons:

  • 1. The Likelihood of the Clothing Fitting Properly is Small- Rarely if ever will find two people with exactly the same shape. Even if you are sharing clothes with someone the same height and weight as yourself that doesn't guarantee your clothing will fit the other person or their clothing will fit yours correctly. The size of the hips, waist and breasts may be slightly different or one person may longer legs than another throwing hemlines and waists off and making the outfit you are wearing looking less fashionable on you.
  • 2. Tastes in Clothing May Differ- Sharing clothing with someone who has different taste than you do will prevent you from developing your own style. Even if you have a similar style to the person you are sharing your clothing with, their choice of colors may not go well with your complexion and hair color leaving you looking pale and washed out, or flushed and red faced.
  • 3. They May Not Care for Your Clothes the Way You Do- When sharing clothes with someone else there is no guarantee that they will care for your clothes the way you do resulting in stains on your favorite shirt or blouse or tears in your favorite dress or they simply may take that outfit off and throw it on the floor to walked on or kicked about. Clothing cost money and you want your clothing to be kept in good condition so you can value for the money you spent.
  • 4. The Outfit You Want to Wear May Not be Available- Another problem with sharing your clothing on a regular basis is that the outfit you plan to wear on a certain day or for that special occasion may not be available as it may all ready be worn by the person you are sharing your clothes with. Nothing can be frustrating that reaching for that sweater or skirt only to find it missing from your closet.
  • 5. Sharing May Not be Equal- All too often when two people decide to share their wardrobe the sharing of clothes is not equal. The person you are sharing your clothes with may feel they are entitled to wear anything from your wardrobe whenever they wish, but may not be as free about sharing their own clothing with you.
  • Most people purchase clothing that matches their lifestyle and their own sense of style and since everyone has a slightly different idea of style and caring for clothing you are best suited by slowly building a wardrobe of your own and not depend on anyone else's taste in clothing.
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