
The Best Dressed Nails - Manicuring Tips

Having perfectly manicured nails always makes a polished statement. These DIY tips will help you recreate professional nail looks at home

We use our hands practically everything and anything. When meeting someone for the first time, we put forward our hands. Hence they have to look presentable and likeable. Imagine shaking someone hands that has dirt particulars under the nails. Your first impression of that person would change drastically. We all need to take care of our nails and hands.

The first thing you should do is make sure you moisturize your hands at least twice a day. For those of you that have dry skin, moisturize as and when necessary. This is the first step to starting your manicure. When you do your manicure, your hands will look as good as your fingers do.

You have to decide if you want your nails to look oval or square or be in between. Many prefer the "in between look". Use the nail filer to shape your nails. Remember before doing this, you have to soak your hand in a bowl of warm water. You can add a few drops of lavender oil in the water. This will make your nails easier to file and your skin will feel like a fresh tomato. When you are filing your nails make sure all the nails are of the same length.

Now take some cotton and wet it with your nail polish remover. Wipe your finger nails with this. The nail polish remover will remove any residue of oil. Next take your base coat. Apply the base coat evenly to your finger nails. Start from your pinky finger and move up to your thumb (this applies for both hands). Next get the nail polish that you want. Some manicurists suggest that the bottles should be rolled in between your hands. Now you just have to apply the polish. Remember the strokes should be from the base to the tip of your nail and not the other way round. After doing this, you can put in another coat. Now this depends on the color that you want. In most cases, the color you see on the bottle you can get with just one coat. However if you want a darker color you need to put on a second coat.

Now that the second coat is on, let it dry for about 20 minutes or so. During this process do not move your hand or do anything with your hands. It takes the layers about 20 minutes to dry out. Any marks received on the nail can only be removed with the nail polish remover. So keep still.

After these 20 minutes you should apply a top seal coat. This is to give the nails a better shine and to maintain the shine in the color for sometime. Once again the application of the coat must be from base to tip of nail. Now let the final coat to dry as well. It will take about 5 to 7 minutes. Your nails now are ready. When you get used to this, you could just use your own nail accessories to get your nails ready for a particular function.

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