Wear Your Paramore Shirt Day! on Twitter
@paramore Paramore's is band from Franklin, TN. Follow us to be the first to know when updates are posted on paramore.net Eloise_Byrne Cosmic Flash
#wearyourparamoreshirtday i dont own one.... so i shall wear a different T-shirt and pretend Hailey Williams is on it :D xxxxx
ArleneMTownsend Arlene M. Townsend
...#wearyourparamoreshirtday And look at what's trending! You better be wearing your shirts today :) I know I am! !!
Paramore fans wearing uniteWear Your Paramore Shirt Day! http://themah.myfullseat.com/events/547797-Wear-Your-Paramore-Shirt-Day
Paramore. Wear your Paramore Shirt Day - April 30th 2011! http://paramoreintheuk.tumblr.com/post/4803596571/wear-your-paramore-shirt-day-april-30th-2011
wear your paramore shirt day! [YouTube VIDEO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkIuzJVmT_8