
Fashion Designers, Brands
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Did you know that two thirds of all women get ideas from store windows while they're out for a day of window shopping?

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What are people wearing?

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It's not just about what you wear, it's about how you wear it.

I'll breeze through clothing stores and run my hands along various fabrics, lightly caressing a lace cuff, rubbing the sleeve of a velour track suit, delicately touching an exquisite brushed twill. popping in and out of boutiques, and taking the time to stop and people watch was one way I would teach myself about the city and fashion.

Shopping districts, streets dotted with character filled boutiques attracted me during my shopping escapades. A time gathering ideas, fancying things, touching and trying on. Even when I walk away empty handed. I return to my own closet bursting with ways to restyle and mix/match.

Take a look at what's being worn

Here is a list of the top styles being worn in New Jersey

lookbook photoLookbook Photolookbook photoVH1 Divas Salute The Troopslookbook photo53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards (Snooki)lookbook photoRed & Black Striped Dress
lookbook photolookbook photoDiamond Princess !lookbook photolookbook photoAt The Airport
lookbook photoA Shore Thing Book Promotionlookbook photoCashmieree Joneslookbook photolookbook photoLookbook Photo
lookbook photolookbook photolookbook photolookbook photo
lookbook photoAt The Airportlookbook photoA Shore Thing Book Promotionlookbook photolookbook photo
lookbook photolookbook photolookbook photolookbook photo
lookbook photolookbook photosnuggielookbook photolookbook photo
lookbook photolookbook photolookbook photolookbook photo
lookbook photohoodielookbook photolookbook photoA Shore Thing Book Promotionlookbook photoVH1 Divas Salute The Troops
lookbook photolookbook photolookbook photoAt The Airportlookbook photocheeta dress